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Water Power Generator Golden Tubular Turbine
Water Power Generator Golden Tubular Turbine
Made in china HPP 500kw Francis turbine generator
Made in china HPP 500kw Francis turbine generator
With CE, TUV , ISO9001 Certified Turgo Hydro Turbine For HPP
With CE, TUV , ISO9001 Certified Turgo Hydro Turbine For HPP
Automated Equipment With High Head 2mw Hydro Pelton Turbine For Hydroelectric Power Plant
Automated Equipment With High Head 2mw Hydro Pelton Turbine For Hydroelectric Power Plant
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5 Key Features of Hydroelectric Generator

Author:来源:date:2020-12-14 10:58:55


Vertical shaftgenerators are generally used. There are two types of vertical shaft hydro generators distinguished by bearing arrangements.

伞式发电机:这些发电机具有组合的底部推力和引导轴承,并限制在低操作速度(最多200 rpm)是昂贵的发电机设计。在半伞式发电机中,添加了顶部引导轴承。伞/半伞设计越来越多地用于慢速垂直发电机。

传统发电机:在引入伞形和半伞设计之前,传统设计包括顶部安装的推力和引导轴承支撑在重括号上,能够支持发电机的总重量。所有推力轴承支撑的支架都小心发电机旋转部件的重量。汽轮机旋流器上的涡轮旋转部件和水推力作用的轴向分量。通常提供与涡轮轴结合的底部引导轴承。该传统设计用于高速(高达1000 rpm)发电机。一些中尺寸的低流量涡轮和管涡轮发电机是水平轴。直接驱动的灯泡涡轮发电机也是位于灯泡中的水平轴发电机。佩尔顿涡轮耦合发电机大多是水平轴。

Capacity and Rating

KW Rating:KW容量由涡轮机额定输出固定。在一个可变的头部powerplant涡轮的输出可能会有所不同取决于可以le head. In general the generator is rated for turbine output at rated head. In peaking power plant higher generator kW rating could be specified to take care of possible higher turbine output. Economic analysis is required for this purpose as the cost will increase and generator capacity remains unutilized when heads are low. The kilowatt rating of the generator should be compatible with the kW rating of the turbine. The most common turbine types are Francis, fixed blade propeller, and adjustable blade propeller (Kaplan). Each turbine type has different operating characteristics and imposes a different set of generator design criteria to correctly match the generator to the turbine. For any turbine type, however, the generator should have sufficient continuous capacity to handle the maximum kW available from the turbine at 100-percent gate without the generator exceeding its rated nameplate temperature rise. In determining generator capacity, any possible future changes to the project, such as raising the forebay (draw down) level and increasing turbine output capability, should be considered. kVA Rating and power factor: kVA and power factor is fixed by consideration of interconnected transmission system and location of the power plant with respect to load centre. These requirements include a consideration of the anticipated load, the electrical location of the plant relative to the power system load centers, the transmission lines, substations, and distribution facilities involved. A load flow study for different operating condition would indicate operating power factor, which could be specified. (Turbine output in MW) x (Generator efficiency) Generator MVA =Generator power factor


电气特性e。g. voltage, short circuit ratio, reactance, line charging capacity etc. must conform to the interconnected transmission system. Large water wheel generators are custom designed to 215 match hydraulic turbine prime over. Deviation from normal generator design parameters to meet system stability needs can have a significant effect on cost. The system stability and other needs can be met by modern static excitation high response systems and it is a practice to specify normal characteristics for generators and achieve stability requirements if any by adjusting excitation system parameter (ceiling voltage/exciter response).

Generator Terminal Voltage


Insulation and Temperature Rise


如果可能会指出,根据the temperature rise specified over an ambient of 400 C. Accordingly maximum temperature for the insulation class under site conditions should be specified. The class F system is known as thermo setting insulation system. The epoxy resins systems may be divided into the following two major classes.

i) Resin rich system

ii) Resin poor system

Resin poor technology needs sophisticated resin storage, transfer and impregnation plants. Most of large machines commissioned in India have class F insulation resin rich. It is generally believed that stator insulation degradation occurs due to slot discharge as well as due to hionization. Slot discharge is a result of poor contact between the conducting surface on generator coil and stator iron and built up of high surface potential. Discharges of this nature can be very severe because of

the charges current involved and cause serious damage to the insulation. At some stage slot discharges appear to or begin to increase between the surface of the insulation of the winding and laminated slot wall and provide one of the deteriorating factor. Phenomenon of slot discharges is known since long and efforts have been made to evolve suitable methods for monitoring the state of erosion of insulation in an assembled machine. With adoption of epoxy mica insulation and use of increased current densities resulting in higher electro-dynamic forces, there is an increase in the intensity of these slots discharges. Slot discharges have been reported in water wheel generators. Thermosetting insulation systems materials are hard and do not readily conform to the stator slot surface, so special techniques and careful installation procedures must be used in applying these materials to avoid possible slot discharges. Special coil fabrication techniques, installation, acceptance and maintenance





This is the capacity required to charge an unloaded line. Line charging capacity of a generator having normal characteristics can be assumed to equal 0.75 of its normal rating multiplied by its short circuit ratio. If the generator is to be designed to operate as synchronous condenser. The capacity when operating over excited as condensers can be as follows: Power Factor Condenser Capacity

0.80 65%

0.90 55%

0.95 45%

hydro turbine generator


The eight different reactances of a salient-pole generator are of interest in machine design, machine testing, and in system stability model studies. Lower than normal reactances of the generator and step-up transformer for system stability will increase cost and is not recommended.

Both rated voltage values of transient and subtransient reactances should be used in computations for determining momentary rating and the interrupting ratings of circuit breakers. Typical values of transient reactances for water wheel generators up to 25 MA are given below. Guaranteed values of transient reactances will be approximately 10% higher.

Damper Winding

A short circuit grid copper conductor in face of each of the salient poles is required to prevent pulling out of step the generator interconnected to large grid. Two types of damper windings may be connected with each other, except through contact with the rotor metal. In the second, the pole face windings are connected at the top and bottom to the adjacent damper windings.

阻尼器绕组对于发电机的稳定运行具有重要意义。虽然发电机与电力系统的精确同步操作,但旋转场和转子速度完全匹配,但阻尼器绕组没有电流,并且它基本上对发电机操作没有影响。如果在电力系统中存在小的干扰,并且频率趋于稍微变化,转子速度和旋转场速度将略有不同。这可能导致振荡,这可能导致发电机从可能的间接损坏中拉出步骤。阻尼绕组在所有电力系统中都很重要,但对倾向于不稳定的系统来说更重要,我。e。具有远离发电资源的大负载的系统,以及大的间歇性负载。在所有情况下,BETVICTRO伟德建议使用连接的阻尼绕组。如果绕组不互连,则相邻绕组之间的电流路径是通过场杆和转子边缘。这倾向于是高阻抗路径,并降低绕组的有效性,以及导致电流路径中加热。 Lack of interconnection leads to uneven heating of the damper windings, their deterioration, and ultimately damage to the damper bars.

The damper winding also indirectly aids in reducing generator voltage swings under some faults conditions. It does this by contributing to the reduction of the ratio of the quadrature reactance and the direct axis reactance, This ratio can be as great as 2.5 for a salient pole generator with no damper winding,and can be as low as 1.1 if the salient pole generator has a fully interconnected winding practice is to provide.


As high an efficiency as possible which can be guaranteed by manufacturer should be specified. Calculated values should be obtained from the manufacturer. For a generator of any given speed and power factor rating, design efficiencies are reduced by the following:

i.Higher Short-Circuit Ratio

ii.Higher WR2

iii.Above-Normal Thrust



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